
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blog Tips - Your Header You're Doing It Wrong

I'm going to be doing a weekly post on some tips for you fellow bloggers. Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just getting into it, it's always nice to see others suggestions and opinions. So without further ado here's the very first of my tips....

I've seen this mentioned a few times by other people, and I've got to agree that it's quite annoying. You know those headers I'm talking about...

They're Huge!!!!

People are inherently lazy and having your header take up the whole screen when we land on your page is quite annoying. Before I can start reading anything I've got to scroll down, and well frankly I hate scrolling. I'd rather be able to read the first paragraph, or even the first couple of lines, and if it catches my attention, then scroll down to continue reading. 

Headers are an important part of any blog. They are the first thing people see and set the tone for your blog. However, you don't want it to be huge. 150 to 300 pixels high is perfect. If it takes up more than 3/4 of your page then you may want to reconsider. When someone has to work to see your content they are less likely to stay on your page. Even if you're a fantastic writer, and the article is something they want to read, your header could be turning them away.

So be kind to your readers. Let them be lazy and not immediately have to scroll down to see what you've written for the day. If you're one of those bloggers with a huge header don't feel bad. This is just a suggestion, but if you follow it you may just find yourself getting a few more readers.

Tight Lines....


  1. Yeah, big headers are annoying.

  2. Definitely annoying, I don't even have a header, can't land on a design I like. Also, maybe it's just my crappy computer, but I hate having to scroll through laggy blogs, people just try to cram too much crap on their pages sometimes.

  3. Haha good tips, i like to keep my design minimal... the headers that are like a wall of followers leave me scratching my head... why?

  4. good tip, though yours is pretty big too.

  5. Yesss, so much this, its annoying to see a huge header, i dont even know if you updated or not. Great advice

  6. Great tips, i've just started blogging and hope to expand and maybe set up a proper website. Will follow for future posts and advice on making it better

  7. good tip! i guess it depends on how big the reader's monitor resolution is but those are good guidelines. mine is 950px × 200px so i qualify :)

  8. I wonder if I have that problem??? Great post it was very imformative (excuse the terrible spelling).

  9. lol i know this isnt on topic but that beach shark is awesome.

  10. This post is all about my blog. I'll change my header someday, but I like the cheapo graphic that I have too much.
